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Thread: Now this is the way to fight crime..........

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Modesto, CA

    Now this is the way to fight crime..........

    .....just run 'em over. Way to go to the Canadian police!
    Mark Rios

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Spring, Texas
    That's great! Of course, here in Texas he could very well have been shot. I have a friend that's on the Houston PD, and he had a suspect try to run him over. He shot him. He saved his own life plus 2 or 3 other officers. The criminal lived to face trial.

  3. #3
    Ok ,I agree in Texas he would a been shot.

    Once. Maybe twice.

    'Round here, in this blue Nor'east corridor......

    Suspect would a been perforated.

    Quick reload and perforate again.

    Good for the Canadians.

    "all men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night....wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    That guy had to be altered in some way. One guy with a knife against 6 or 8 cops and at least one cop car.

    If had been me, I may have left him pinned between the parking meter and the car for awhile.

    Well done Canadians.
    Where did I put that tape measure...

  5. #5
    OK I've had enough now.

    What gives with some people cRaZy? Drunk? Stupid? All six? It's unlikely it was tough guy syndrome.

    I mean he did have a knife at a gun fight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mt. Pleasant, MI
    Meth, PCP, x, even high levels of alcohol.

    I have had people get hit with a steel baton at full power and not even flinch when hoped up on any of the above.

    Could have also been a suicide by cop attempt. Maybe I should watch the video.

    JC Custom WoodWorks

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Mpls, Minn
    All for the police shooting these morons, there's no reason they should put their live in any more danger than they are already in.

    Just read this morning where a Chinese offical was executed for taking bribes, now that's the way to cut crime.

    If that happened here, with in 2 weeks at least half the gov't would be shot....

    Al.....who thinks that wouldn't be all bad....
    Remember our vets, they need our help, just like they helped us.

  8. #8
    Looks to me like an attempt at suicide by cop, perfect application for a Taser.

    I especially like the cops checking for damage to the car afterwards.
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  9. #9
    Well, I think the cops got it wrong.

    Let's say the guy was on drugs, mentally retarded, drunk... whatever. He could have ended up under the car, then into a wheel chair for life.

    I'd have no problem using a car as a weapon if he was taking shots with a gun... but a knife?

    I know an EMT that responded to a call to a home for the handicapped. A man with Downs Syndrome clobbered him with a round-house right HARD! It took three large cops to restrain him in the front yard. If he had a kitchen knife... I don't think anyone would say it'd be OK to try to run him over - twice.

    We don't know the circumstances in the video.
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    Laserpro Spirit 60W laser, Corel X3
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Mpls, Minn
    I'd have no problem using a car as a weapon if he was taking shots with a gun... but a knife?

    Evidently in your world a knife can do no damage, much less kill.
    So your saying because this loony is breaking the law with a dangerous weapon the cops should just try and grab him???

    Remember our vets, they need our help, just like they helped us.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Mt. Pleasant, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchell Andrus View Post
    Well, I think the cops got it wrong.

    Let's say the guy was on drugs, mentally retarded, drunk... whatever. He could have ended up under the car, then into a wheel chair for life.

    I'd have no problem using a car as a weapon if he was taking shots with a gun... but a knife?

    Tell that to my left hand! I am assuming you have never had to face someone like that armed? If you have then my apologies and to each his own. If not try it and get back to me.

    Taser may have worked and would have been worth a shot. In that exact video, distances are kinda hard to judge, I see two officers that should have shot him and broke safe procedures for not doing so. The reason why are long, some are good, some aren't. Hazard is part of the job description, but how far into hazard should they go for some bonehead.

    That video is old, before tasers were even around if I recall correctly. Definitely before they were mainstream in many areas.

    Several of the officers put themselves at more risk for this moron and the result was saving his life. FWIW they would have been judged the same for using the car as such as shooting him. A weapon inclined to cause death or great bodily harm. If they were justified in using the car they were justified in shooting him. At least here in the states, that is fact.


    I know an EMT that responded to a call to a home for the handicapped. A man with Downs Syndrome clobbered him with a round-house right HARD! It took three large cops to restrain him in the front yard. If he had a kitchen knife... I don't think anyone would say it'd be OK to try to run him over - twice.

    We don't know the circumstances in the video.

    A mentally challenged person in a wheel chair can't cover 20+ feet and stick me before I can draw and fire. 10+ if I have a gun out already. There are lots of options available that wouldn't be with someone motoring on two feet. Apples and oranges.


    JC Custom WoodWorks

    For best results, try not to do anything stupid.

    "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala "Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith"

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    A person armed with a knife can cover 21' and stick you with it. The cops were a lot closer then that (well within shooting rights). (edit: I should add, IF THEY had a clear line of sight).

    IF he would have been paralyzed, the city and police would have both been sued, and most likely lost (never can guess a jury). The cops would have been admonished, for NOT shooting him. (endangering their and their fellow officers life) It's cheaper to kill someone, than to maim them.
    Hard to second guess (clip doesn't show what happened before, what the call was, etc).
    In my view, they showed way more restraint, then what they are trained to, and they may have gotten in trouble for it.

  13. #13
    They didn't show the police attempting: mace, tear gas, shotgun bean-bags, bird-shot at the legs, fire hose, tazer, or plain old time to talk this nut case out of his tree.

    The video shows deadly force in use against a man with a knife. If I did that to a noisy dog bearing his teeth, I'd be in deep doo-doo. The cops did it to a person in trouble - twice.

    If he was taking shots at people 10 to 150 feet away, run him over to save a life or two, that makes sense. Run him over to knock a knife out of his hand???? Not so OK.

    We don't know the whole story...
    "I love the smell of sawdust in the morning".
    Robert Duval in "Apileachips Now". - almost.

    Laserpro Spirit 60W laser, Corel X3
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Some of you are forgetting that this took place in Toronto...different country, different police RoE. I know some cops, and have heard too many stories of Tasers not working due to drugs in the perp's system. Not that it shouldn't have been tried. I don't think the car is necessarily a bad idea...for one, he's not likely to end up under it...those Crown Vics are pretty low to the ground. Two, it definitely puts a layer of protection between the cop and the perp with the knife. I've cut the throat of hogs in their death's a risky maneuver to do with out the knife ending up in your own meat somewhere. I'm all for rights and such, but when you're brandishing a weapon of any kind, rights go out the window in my book.

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  15. #15
    Join Date
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    IF you drop the knife, they stop the car, mace, tasers, gunpoint.... Its up to you if you want to get one or all.

    All that said, this guy was nuts.

    Ever see the video where they (4 swat guys) get the guy with the sword using an extension ladder to pin him against a store front? Worked pretty well and no dent in car or knife in cop.
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