I've benn a fan of olfa utility knives for quite a number of years. The H-1 with the extra heavy duty blades is wonderful for general construction work, with frequent forays into woodworking. I use the smaller standard duty art knife for cutting paper/cardboard - the extra steep point makes extra sharp cutting.

Anyways, I digress -- I dropped my H-1 on the concrete floor a couple of weeks ago, and the knob shattered. I was about to throw it out, because I just knew that by the time I paid shipping on the probably $10 replacement part, it'd be cheaper to buy a whole new knife; but then I went to the olfa website and fired off a quick email to see if the part was available, and how much it'd cost. The next day, I received a reply email stating that a replacement knob was in the mail and it was free of charge. Now the knife is good-as-new.


I see from the website that they are advertised as the "best made cutting tools in the world." and they're "guaranteed forever." I'd say both claims are well substantiated. I'm very happy to remain a satisfied customer.
