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Thread: Trick 'r' Treaters - Count dropping

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Greenville, South Carolina
    The numbers aorund here have dropped drastically. We had 5 two years ago, none last year and none this year.

    One reason is that our HOA puts on a Halloween Party at the Clubhouse every year, so many of the neighborhood kids end up there and then just maybe hit a few houses around their own. I notice many of the churches are also doing something, so I suspect it is a growing trend. Suits me okay, but it won't suit the candy companies.

    I measure three times and still mess it up.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Cape Cod, Ma
    One group (8 kids) at my house at 6:10 and that was it. Love them Reese
    Peanut Butter Cups!


    Maybe I'll think about that tomorrow

  3. #18

    Post Joe,

    When I was younger back in the 70's me and my brothers would come home with a grocery bag- full to the top and then some- there were kids all over the place- now, I probably had about 15 , there are a lot of older people in my neighborhood where I live so that's probably why the low count, but I also remember we had begers night - that's out. anything to get the Bosco. I'm a chocoholic and don't keep it in the house- the dark stuff-awwwwwww-drool!

  4. #19
    We had about 35 kids last night. Back 10 years ago the number was usually 60-75. As for getting the rest of the candy for myself. Help Police, I've been robbed. When I got up this morning Sue had already packaged up all of the leftover candy into 3 bags-each labeled. One each for my grandson and granddaughter, and one for the folks at my office. Not one stinking, lousy, measly piece for me. Help Police, I've been robbed.
    Dave Anderson

    Chester, NH

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Southern MD
    We get a ton. We're the nice new neighborhood in an area with lots of non-neighborhood houses (suburbia invading the country). So we gave out every bit of 7 huge BJs bags of candy. The streets of our 'hood look like a street festival. It's pretty fun for the kids and many neighbors put on quite a show.
    Unfortunately, there are many rude people who come in and drive around following their kids, too lazy to get out of their car on a beautiful night. Not only annoying, but dangerous.
    Jay St. Peter

  6. #21

    Angry can't walk with your own child????

    Quote Originally Posted by JayStPeter View Post
    , there are many rude people who come in and drive around following their kids, too lazy to get out of their car on a beautiful night. Not only annoying, but dangerous.
    I noticed that- what the heck is up with that- do they think about anything else but themselves- what about your child? Totally agree with you Jay. That really upset me- I feel bad for the little ones that walk alone, what kind of parents are they?

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Sammamish, WA
    It sounds like most places were down, and we too noticed the kids that did come by were younger. We didn't have the first one until it got dark about 6:30, and closed at 8pm since there had been none for over 1/2 hour.

    I did find out that the local large software company (many people in our area work there) had a "bring the kids" party at the main campus, so maybe they got enough treats there and are using that as a substitute for going door to door.

    Sammamish, WA

    Epilog Legend 24TT 45W, had a sign business for 17 years, now just doing laser work on the side.

    "One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop." G. Weilacher

    "The handyman's secret weapon - Duct Tape" R. Green

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Shelbyville, Tn
    We got 4 total!
    Being a Wednesday night in the Bible belt meant a lot of kids were at Church. (we should have been there too!)
    Brian Robison
    Epilog Mini
    Rabbit 1290

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Greenville, South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Weick View Post
    I feel bad for the little ones that walk alone, what kind of parents are they?
    Well now, I may be old but I can certainly remember my first Halloween walks and I know full well that I pleaded and begged my parents NOT to be anywhere around! Go away! I'm not a baby!

    I admit that driving after them is not safe, but don't judge the parents just because they weren't holding the kid's hand. That kid may have been like me.

    I measure three times and still mess it up.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Camas, Wa
    Our numbers have been decreasing each year also.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Doylestown, PA

    We live in a townhouse development

    but have become ol' fuddy duddys the couple years. We got greedy teenagers after about 7 p.m. and just started leaving the lights off. i told my wife I'd like to build a "cave" leading to the front door about 3 1/2 feet high and anybody who couldn't walk thru it upright was too old for trick or treat.

  12. #27
    We had a bunch of "trick or treaters" this year - so many so that we ran out of candy. Had to turn the lights out before all the trick or treaters were finished.

    It just seems to vary - some years we get a lot and some years not so many.

    Lots of cute kids and costumes this year.

    Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Rutherford Co., NC

    This was a Banner Year!

    We had FIVE kids last night! That's the most we've had in the four years we've been in our place. Of course, we live on a dead end road with only five houses, and I have the only child under sixteen.

    My co-worker's daughter is up from Charlotte and she said they had a "Safe Neighborhood" thing where the police blocked the roads off from traffic, and they had over 500 kids from all over the area!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Lancaster, PA
    Gee, we have around 130 - 140 each year, and that's not even a high mark in our neighborhood! Our street normally has only one or two cars parked on it - but Halloween night, there isn't anyplace to park for a few blocks!


  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Wes Bischel View Post
    Gee, we have around 130 - 140 each year, and that's not even a high mark in our neighborhood! Our street normally has only one or two cars parked on it - but Halloween night, there isn't anyplace to park for a few blocks!

    LOL, you guys are marked and prolly on some web site somewhere for the best candy

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