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Thread: back again

  1. back again


    After a long absence I made it back. I had a complete computer melt-down a while back which took longer than I expected to sort out. That included losing passwords and logins. Finally got this one figured out, so instead of lurking, I can now inflict my opinions on everyone.

    Gary Roberts
    Massachusetts, USA

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sebastopol, California

    One of the computer technicians where I used to work

    ...was prone to saying, in his perkiest voice, "ComPUters make our lives EASier!" I ran into him recently (I'm doing some consulting/new employee orienting there), and he told me that he's stopped saying it, because I was about the only person who ever got that he was joking; most people's reactions are more along the lines of snarling, "whattaya mean? I've just spent two hours cursing at this thing!"

    Glad you have conquered the gremlin in the machine, and welcome back.

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