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Thread: Veteran's Day

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Indiana, PA

    Veteran's Day

    Hello all,
    My wife and I want to wish everyone a safe and secure Veteran's Day. Please remember all of our troops who are in harms way, and who have given the ultimate for our country.
    Blake & Ruth Ann McCully
    Indiana Co. Woodturners Assn.

    The destination isn't nearly as exciting as the path used to get there.

  2. #2

    Thanks to all.....

    Thanks to all who have served our country. We appreciate your service and sacrifice. We also appreciate the sacrifice your family makes as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    SE Kansas
    AMEN!! The cost of freedom is priceless in terms of money, and sacred in terms of life. God Bless our MILITARY FORCES whereever they are stationed.
    Friendship is the one bright light, that keeps on burning day and night.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Loretto, Ontario (in the sticks, north of Toronto)

    I remember my first thank you...

    I had only been out of the Army for about a year and was only 22. I had started to attend university and crossed paths with a friend of a friend kind of person that had been in the Marines. He too, was starting university after the service.

    We would pass one another on campus, exchange greetings and that was about the extent of our acquaintance. We had no classes together, nor the same group of friends, just the bond of the service. One day, while walking around campus, our paths crossed and he said, "Have a great Veterans' Day."

    It felt weird, I was only 22, yet it lifted my day. Ever since then, I always take time to think about things on this day and I'm only approaching my 40th in January.

    Ya, I was in the service, served at Ft. Polk, Louisiana '88-'90, with what was the 5th Infantry Division "Red Devils", but there were and are people that have served far more and far harder than me.

    To them, I say, "Thank you," with a major hoooorahhh!

    That's what the red diamond represents in my avatar.

    I'm posting some more thoughts on my blog for those who may care.
    Last edited by Christopher Zona; 11-11-2007 at 11:14 PM.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Childress, Texas, USA
    Thanks for posting. In Church they always want us to stand so they can recognise us for our service. It always makes me sad, because I don't want the minute's noteriety. It always reminds me of several friends that I lost while there, and all the others who also died.
    It's the families of those who never came back that we should be beholden to.
    The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
    And.... I'm located just 1,075 miles SW of Steve Schlumpf.

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