In my month or so of wandering the creek, I have come upon many jewels of wisdom and this one certainly qualifies. When I started, I opened a Word file, and have extracted various tips, sources, do's and don'ts from the many contributors. I do that each time I wander the creek. The file is many pages long, and eventually I will organize it better.

It is truly amazing the amount of information available here. While I was putting forth my lackluster efforts at getting educated, my father would always remind me that no amount of study can make up for years of experience - or "school of hard knocks" as he called it. I think he said it during those times when it was obvious to me that I knew more than he did! Dad got a lot smarter as I got older!

The experiences of those here are so valuable, particularly to those of us that are just getting started down this path! Thanks Rodne!