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Thread: What would you do?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    St Marys, West Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Schierer View Post
    When I make items for family the deal is that they buy all the materials and any special cutters I might need. The special cutters and tools are mine at the end of the job. The labor is free. I also help with home repairs and home improvement projects, but expect similar help if I need it on a project.
    Actually this is how I do projects. My family isnt demanding. I like to help my family any way I can if its not being abused. Oh I have cousins that would use you in a minute! My close family is no way like that. So really no issues here.

    I have family members that will help you in a minute, go to great length to do so. Im glad to help them. Others... well case by case basis I guess you could say.

    Close friends would get a great price. Quite frankly if anyone suggested I notify them when it reaches a $1000 for that much work I'd have to start laughing on the spot. Probably pee myself doing so.
    One good turn deserves another

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    You did the right thing, IMHO.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    South Carolina
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve LaFara View Post

    My Dad always said that if it wasn't worth doing it right the first time, it was'nt worth doing at all.

    For a minute there, I thought you were talking about MY father. They must have read the same book! I can't even count how many times I heard that growing up!


  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Milford, Pa

    What would you do?

    Another few words about doing things for others.

    For years before I retired I made Christmas gifts for all my employees; Jewelry boxes, back-scratchers, clocks, trivets, etc. All went well and they were appreciated quite a lot. Life was good!
    Now, in order that you understand this next better, this was at a manufacturing facility having 9 seperate internal factories with a total of 96 people including "Sales persons". 5 of those factories were mine having 47 people. Actually, not a really big deal because I set up small production lines in my shop and got it all done in about 2 months, depending on project. I like exotic woods so the cost was fairly substantial. Regardless, 'my people' supported me 100% and all went well for us. We had a good reputation and there were many others wanting to transfer into my factories when opportunities arose. Life was really good!

    However, as with all things, there were some people in the other factories that got their nose bent out of shape because none of the other 4 managers did anything for their subordinates.
    All of a sudden I started to get "Orders" from the other managers for specific items. No requests.....Orders!

    Well, being somewhat of a resistant and combative individual (read that 'pain in the Butt'), I was very terse with my answers. Much to their chagrin.

    Eventually I was made to stop because it became a very real source of internal strife between the other factory employees and mine.

    Lesson learned; no matter what you do out of simple generosity and/or appreciation, there will always be those dis-satisfied with the results.

    But, after 2 years, quite a few of 'my people' still stay in contact with me and we meet 10 to 12 times a year for 'special occasions'. Often just at the MCL for a few drinks. Life is still good.

    I often think it better to not do anything for other people just to avoid the chance of dis-satisfaction.

    Oh, the struggles of life.
    Carry on, regardless.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Shiloh, Illinois

    thats strife

    Mr. Mahon,

    i dont think i could hold my tongue under those circumstances. Orders...!? Whew! i would definitely be in that persons office/face explaining to them that I MADE those gifts..... for MY workers. and then i'd lodge a stapler or hole punch or whatever into something. LOL

    thats something else,

    Building my own Legos!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Milford, Pa

    What would you do?

    Hi Dan.

    When responding to those placing orders I was not my usual diplomatic, suave, sophisticated and subtle self. They were left with no chance of misunderstanding.

    But now I've gotten myself into a new pickle by volunteering to make a somewhat large 3D Marine Corps insignia. I guess I'll have to learn a little carving for this one. You'd think I'd have learned better by now.
    Carry on, regardless.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Shiloh, Illinois

    i would have been very blunt as well

    i wouldnt have done any work though. (for the other factories) i would have told them that unless they are going to pay me, those gifts were made by me and no more will be made except of my own volition.

    it really sucks when other lazy people try to jack up your good thing. in my opinion, you were doing a good job of supervising your workers and managing your factories. people wont want to transfer anywhere unless where they are sucks or where they are going is good. either way, youre most likely better than the other factory managers. its like the rumor mill at my job. you just have to ignore the morons and continue doing what you do regardless of the BS.

    i dont know how you got into doing the marine corps insignia, but the current air force insignia would be much easier. LOL im in the air force.


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    Building my own Legos!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Wichita, Kansas
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Barr View Post
    ...i dont know how you got into doing the marine corps insignia, but the current air force insignia would be much easier. ...

    Yeah, it probably would be, but it's just not the same.

    Semper Fi, Robert!!
    Tom Veatch
    Wichita, KS

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Shiloh, Illinois

    thats a right nice insignia you go there

    the air force just cant seem to get it right. were not old enough either. were only 60 years old as a force now. eventually we will find our identity and the army will get over its self. maybe the navy will get over its self too and let the marine corps be.


    Building my own Legos!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Milford, Pa

    What would you do?

    Thanks for that Tom. It'll help me.

    As far as the Air Force goes, it seems all other branches get a bit bent out of shape because the AF has all the best living accommodations. I knew this to be true back in the day when I was in the Navy.
    However, after all are discharged or resign, the inter-service rivalry doesn't seem to matter anymore. The feeling seems to be "We're all Brothers-in-arms" and served a common master.

    I became a member of the MCL because the Jarheads welcomed me and made me feel like I belonged. Even if I was a Squid and Sub-service Bubblehead. But you should hear the barbs when I 1st walk in the door; which are swiftly returned in like (or better).

    So, I do little things for them. But, I may have gotten in a bit over my head on this one.

    Hopefully, I'll be able to start on it soon.
    Carry on, regardless.

  11. #41
    No good deed goes unpunished.

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Milford, Pa

    What would you do?

    But why do I keep doing it?
    Carry on, regardless.

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