Quote Originally Posted by Don C Peterson View Post
Marcus, I understand what you're saying. The vintage planes can be great, and some of them can be had for much less than a new LN or LV, but as someone who owns several LN planes as well as a couple old Stanleys (and some old woodies) it's kind of hard not to take exception to calling LN's "Bling tools". That term strongly implies that the purchase decision was based on style or vanity.
You don't think there are hordes of guys who own these who don't really do any woodworking? I bet there are. Any boutique item like that attracts people who love the idea of something but don't actually use it. Look at the boutique amplifier market.

I like the idea of supporting a company like LN that takes pride in making fine tools and stands behind them, in turn they (and others) play a big part in keeping the knowledge and enthusiasm for hand tools alive.
I do too. I think it's great they make these tools. There is a tradition here that needs to be kept alive and they're doing great stuff.

Who get's hurt if I buy, or convince someone else to buy a LN? There's no moral question here, just individuals weighing their priorities and hopefully making choices that make sense to them.
The problem is if you look through the last 10 "I want a plane" posts there are hordes of people who say buy LN or LV and nobody pushing the vintage iron, which is just as good, and far far cheaper. For a guy new to hand tools the cost of entry on the high end tools is outrageous. I suppose I feel I've got a duty to the casual browser, anyone who finds these threads from a search engine, people who read this in a few years, and anyone else who doesn't have the finances or guts to plunk down 3 bills for a plane when they're not sure they're a hand tool guy to present the other side, the cheap seats as it were. Is the baseball game any less interesting from the bleachers than from the skybox? Nope. It's just more comfortable up there. It's still a lot of fun down in the bleachers. Sometimes my responses aren't necessarily for the original poster but for those watching in the wings and those who will come after.