My experience is much that same as Don's. My first 2 planes were Borg "specials", Buck Bros circa 1999. I tried in vain for awhile with the bench n block plane... wound up on a shelf in the shop (still there too). I hated hand planes based off those 2 pieces of umm.... metal.
Fast forward a couple years, I'm parked at the bench with random orbit sander for a FULL WEEKEND on a project progressing through the grits.... I think to myself there has to be a better way. A couple of trips to the library and numerous books later.. I decided to step on the slope. As a newbie I didn't ever even consider refurbing an old one, I chose to spend some money, my hard earned money on something as a treat & a true acid test to see if I wanted to pursue this avenue (I had $ set aside for buying a drum sander at that time). One LN #4 was my first plane purchase and it was some of the best $ I've ever spent, cause it hooked me.. not too mention an awful lot cheaper than the 25" drum I had in the crosshairs.
I haven't bought any older neander tools, but I'm open to it now as I've got a comfort level with them. A couple years ago the only reason I'd have spent a penny on a vintage tool would be for a decoration in the shop (to go along with the Buck Bros junkers).
I'm not into buying anything for the bling of having it, it's a tool (a German Engineer once told me I am the most practical person he knows, was that a compliment or insult? ). It's my money & if my wife cares less how I spend it can't imagine why anyone else would. I chose not to spend $ on alot of other things in the world to be able to spend it on others of my choice.... Nobody made me & I'd do it again without even blinking.
The cost of entry to any WW'ing related hobby is a barrier to entry for some and for others it's not regardless of power, neander, spinny things.... nevermind all the aforementioned in one shop.
Honestly, I don't care which route anyone takes be it brand name new planes or vintage.... just so long as they can tune & use them.

A bit more than my $0.02. And I'l shuddap now....
