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Thread: My First Saw Vise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albany, GA

    My First Saw Vise

    I was going to keep this to myself, but figured I should share it just the same. Here is my first saw vise. Not only that, but it's my first woodworking project, and it shows unfortunately. I based this on a saw vise I saw on the Norse Woodsmith page. It looked pretty straight forward so I figured "what the heck" and put saw to wood.

    Unfortunately, many electrons were sacrificed on this project, because all my neander saws were dull (no saw vise to sharpen them in after all) and my hand drills should be on the way.

    This was a definitely learning experience. First, I slipped back into old habits of trying to rush the job and not take my time and do things right.

    Luckily a good low angle adjustable throat block plane evened up the jaws of the vise nicely. Man I love using hand planes!

    The legs are pine and the jaws are red oak. It was fairly fun to build, until I goofed anyways

    So, here it is.

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  2. #2
    Hi Thomas. I think that you should be proud of yourself. Whether you goofed, or not, is secondary to whether your vise actually works. the other point is that you had FUN! Hopefully this will inspire you to bigger and better.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albany, GA

    Good point. Since the backsaw in the pic is holding still, it looks like it works

    Besides, this project should be around for a while to remind me of the lessons I learned. Honestly though, I've never had so much fun screwing up

    Are you getting something out of your time here? You are? Great...then now's the time to give a little something back! Contribute!

  4. #4
    It looks like it will work to me! My first saw vise was a couple pieces of plywood and sticks with a piano hinge I stuck into my vise. Sure didn't look pretty, but got the job done.

    Keep up the good work!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albany, GA
    Thanks Lief, and thanks for your site! It's what got me off my butt to try this one

    Are you getting something out of your time here? You are? Great...then now's the time to give a little something back! Contribute!

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