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Thread: "Weekend Doin's"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Water Park Capital of the World

    Smile "Weekend Doin's"

    Friday March 7th, 2008


    Ever closer to the first day of SPRING. At least I have that to look forward to as the cold hangs on here, as well as the snow. Zero degrees this morning. At least it's been sunny.

    It's been a sad week here in the land of "cheesheads". We won't have the pleasure of seeing Brett play the game that he enjoyed so much and that we enjoyed watching him play.

    Again it will be too cold to get out to the shop and get any WW'ing done. So I'll just have to find things to do inside. I need to make some room in the basement for a new addition coming in the very near future. I also have to run a new electrical circuit for the new addition as well as add a flourescent fixture to two so I'll be able to see what I'm doing.

    So what's happening in your neck of the woods? Let's hear about the fun?, games?, projects? and miscellaneous mayhem you plan on creating this weekend.

    As a PSA to Tyler; HEY BUD, THIS IS A WEEKEND. It won't be long and you'll not know the difference between the weekend and those long gone work days.

    Have a good one all and be SAFE.

    Creeker Visits. They're the best.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Central NC
    I am going to continue to put my new shop in order. I need to install a Wixey planer guage and build a stand for my drill press. I also need to get out tomorrow after the rain quits and buy some plywood for cabinets.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Continue with the b/s set up and then manufacture an adapter for DC on my contractor t/s. Start making cabinets for the shop, I hope.

    The LOML is hinting she wants me to order that jointer I've been wanting. Shiraz and I will be doing business!

    BTW Karl.......we've been in the mid-50s to low-60s for a week or so now. It's time to take my studded snow tires off.

    Hey Tyler. Have you gotten out of bed this week?

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    It will largely be an in-the-shop weekend for me as Professor Dr. SWMBO has the YMCA run this weekend. I'm working to finish up the doors for the wet bar and get started on the credenza cabinetry for my new office. In the house, I need to do a little drywall touch-up in the great room and begin to plan for the new trim work in that same room, duplicating the double bead style from the addition to knit the old with the new. Saturday (and Friday night) apparently are going to be very wet around here, so anything outdoors will be out of the question.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    We are expecting a potentially major snow storm in about 12 hours, so I'll probably be staying home and spending some time plowing and shoveling. I started on a toolbox for my daughter last week that I'll probably work on with her. I'll probably get started on welding up a new stand for my metal bandsaw.

  6. #6
    We just got an Italian Greyhound puppy last Sunday. Byron is a handful. We are in the house training stage, and Italian Greyhounds have small bladders and are quite hyper.

    My wife needs to study during the day, but has been watching him out of the corner of her eye.

    So this weekend, I'm expected to entertain him and keep an eagle eye on him during the morning, probably taking him out at least once every hour so he doesn't get in the habit of crapping & peeing on the carpeting.

    He spent at least 3 weeks in a pet shop cage, so he has some bad habits to break.

    To complicate things, he doesn't really like going outside, because he has no hair, is tiny, and it is 15°F here at the moment.

    If I'm lucky, I'll get a few minutes to try out my new router speed control. If I'm doubly lucky, Dowelmax will arrive soon, though I'm not holding my breath for any time before next week. I may get around to routing the dadoes and rabbets in the ends of the nightstands I'm working on. (I haven't been down to the shop in a week)

  7. #7
    This is the weekend I finally get to build the wall to separate my girlfriend's unusually large bedroom into two smaller rooms, as the house was originally built. Next project is taking care of the dampness in the basement and updating the 70's decor down there. A mirrored wall, orange and green paint accents, ugly paneling, probably had a shag carpet at one point. Disgustipating. I didn't like it back then, I don't like it now!

  8. #8
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    I'm going to find out what that new Grizzly will do!!

  9. #9
    Tonight is the monthly guild meeting. tomorrow is all day in the shop. Sunday is a big get together with some family friends that always turns into a rough Monday Morning! Saturday Shop time will be spent working on milling some legs for a table idea I've been playing with. If it is successful, I'l share pictures on Manday, If it's not, Well, I'll stil be sharing pictures on Monday. Boy I'm glad it's Friday. It has been a really long week.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Eddington, ME
    Flying home from work early Sat. Supposed to go through CVG but the weather may have other plans.

    If I do get home. Sunday will be a play day in the shop. Can open the new toys er I mean tools that arrived before last weekend. Didn't get a chance to utilize them as my time off was short. I will probably go out and get about a dozen sheets of plywood. Think this week home I will start on the cabinets I wanted to make. Just decided today that I am going to change my table saw set up again for the 4th time. Going to go with 2 extensions. 1 on each side. Both will now have router stations. And unlike the last version, going to use good 11 ply poplar plywood. Made the last one out of what ever I had in scraps. And its just not as stable as I want it. If I get the table saw done, I will start on the RAS and SCMS cabinets I have planned as well.

    New mortiser is due in on Monday.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Yukon, Oklahoma
    Finishing a week long and organizing my shop. I just might have time to set up my new Osborne EB-3.

  12. #12
    Ive got my Ridgid 14" set up again and tuned to perfection, no vibration, smooth as a babies (pause) well, you know. Glued up 6 blanks last night for some bandsawn boxes. Gonna play with that this weekend. Oh... and shovel some snow. Again. Ugh.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Tucson, Arizona
    Finished last coat of wipe on stain on the 2 graduation books (will never do wipe-on on a scrolled project again . Gonna stick to spray, what a pita it was ). Will probably try out my new Bosch Colt on Saturday while hubby sands his jeep. Will have to clean shop up a bit on Sunday from his mess ah work so he can paint what he sanded. The weather is supposed to be mid to upper 70's so I can probably start the shellac spraying on those books (can probably do it out doors ).
    Lori K

  14. #14
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    Hope to get some work done on the base cabinet for our sons home. My brother is coming up from Cape May,NJ and he has two large basic bookcases that he needs built for a customer, so we just may be busy with that for a good portion of the weekend. I also have someone visiting the shop tomorrow to take a gander at my Delta contractors saw for possible purchasing in the near future when I take delivery of my new Jet cab saw. The boys will be over Sunday afternoon for the usual NASCAR race gathering. On the menu this Sunday will be meatball and sausage sandwiches as well as chips, pretzels and Coors Light on tap.
    There's one in every crowd......and it's usually me!

  15. #15
    Packing up the shop, patching the fence, and getting the house ready to sell.

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