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Thread: Need some schoolin

  1. #1

    Need some schoolin

    My finishing experience has been to stain and follow up with polyurethane. I'd really like to learn more about this very important aspect of woodworking. I need some suggestions on reading material where I can get a little education about the fundamentals of wood finishing. Anyone? Thanks, Vince

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Horsham, PA
    Jeff Jewitt at Homestead Finishing has published a few good books. He is a very knowledgeable person in the finishing world.

  3. #3
    Hey Vince,

    I know how you feel, I'm somewhat there myself right now.

    Well right here in this forum is a great place to learn, not just finishing. I'm picking the brains of the advance users and pro's until they kick me out for asking too many questions! Hopefully soon I'll be able to answer questions too.

    Your local shops like Woodcraft are good for advice. When I go in to my local store, sometimes when I have extra time and so does the worker, I'll ask away.

    My local Home Depot has a lady in the paint dept that I got advice when trying water base.


    Quote Originally Posted by Vince Shriver View Post
    My finishing experience has been to stain and follow up with polyurethane. I'd really like to learn more about this very important aspect of woodworking. I need some suggestions on reading material where I can get a little education about the fundamentals of wood finishing. Anyone? Thanks, Vince

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Vince Shriver View Post
    My finishing experience has been to stain and follow up with polyurethane. I'd really like to learn more about this very important aspect of woodworking. I need some suggestions on reading material where I can get a little education about the fundamentals of wood finishing. Anyone? Thanks, Vince

    Bob Flexner books are a good resource also.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I am learning all the time on finishing, for me its a love/hate part of ww'ing. When I am done sanding I would prefer to be done and move on to another project, finishing is stressful for me.

    I have been collecting a series of cutoffs of different spieces with different finishes that are labeled and dated. Not only does it give me a good reference of finishes for future projects but since I cover a portion of the sample I can see the affects of UV over time. My wife uses the samples for matching other materials(tile/stone, carpet, paint etc,)
    I only have a few to date - a ways to go before I have a good library.
    Hope this helps..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southport, NC
    There are two books that are "best". One is Bob Flexner's Understanding Wood Finishing and the second is Jeff Jewitt's Taunton New Complete Illustrated Guide to Finishing. Either would be good but getting both is a good way to learn about all there is to know about finishing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Blog Entries
    Jeff Jewitt, Bob Flexner, Peter Gedrys and Mark Schofield all speak plain english and have various techniques that they favor. A book by any of them should be good. You can subscribe to FWW online where there are numerous articles and show-and-tell videos by these guys. You can also post questions directly to them as part of your perks as an online subscriber.
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