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Thread: placement of laser question..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Arrow placement of laser question..

    i sound so silly asking this question because to me it seems obvious it is a horrible place to put the laser but..

    okay my husband and i live in a basement of someones house [we are broke...........] we just got a laser to try to start a business to get some money going.

    in the basement we did not have many options on where to place the laser because the guy could only put the exhaust basically in one place... right next to our BED.

    my husband has man pride issues [heh..] and he says it is perfectly fine there and i am being paranoid. but am i really?

    is having the laser right next to our bed safe? [about 3 feet away from the bed..]

  2. #2
    Don't see a problem. I practically sleep with mine sometimes.
    Bob Keyes
    CI Engraving

    60 Watt Chinese Laser (yeah,I like it), Corel X3, Engravograph, KM 2550, Heat Press.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Sammamish, WA
    That could be a very convenient location if you get busy and have to work all night!

    Should be no problem at all.

    Sammamish, WA

    Epilog Legend 24TT 45W, had a sign business for 17 years, now just doing laser work on the side.

    "One only needs two tools in life: WD-40 to make things go, and duct tape to make them stop." G. Weilacher

    "The handyman's secret weapon - Duct Tape" R. Green

  4. #4
    Sound good to me. I spend so much time here with mine I was thinking of moving the bed next to it so I would not have so far to go to work. I see no problem with it there. I do know my wife might not like it but when the money rolls in I am sure she would not mind at all. I have to put up with her pager going off so guess it is a trade off.
    Ray Uebner
    Trotec Speedy 300 45w, Xenetch 1313, Signature 8080 Plus, Baby Lock EM6

  5. #5
    I think it is fine. The only problems I can think of are:
    1. Sound - if its on while you are trying to sleep (when your husband decides he wants to pull a late/all-nighter)
    2. Smell?? I like the smell of wood and some other materials, but if you dont like the smell then it might be a problem.

    I think it would be fine, and it would be great being able to rest while it is engraving.
    I have an Epilog Mini 24 (40W) fueled by a Macbook Pro.

  6. #6
    I'm running my laser from the bedroom myself and my wife share. It's not ideal, frankly, as burny smells linger and sometimes make the bedroom uninhabitable until the smells die. And sometimes the bedroom is freezing cold because you *HAVE* to leave the window open; whatever it's doing outside.

    Steer clear of acrylic and rubber towards the end of the day and it's doable. Not ideal, by any means, and there may well be long-term effects. But it's doable.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii
    And you could look up the description of a great homespun odor reducer on this forum. I haven't tried it yet, but it may be a good Christmas break project!
    Marc Myer
    Epilog 35 mini

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Irving, TX
    I think I spend more time with my laser than in my bed and I sit about 2 ft. away from the laser while I am working. Normally putting in 10 to 14 hour days and I don't think I have any ill effects but then again some may not agreed with me about that one. I would say as long as the extractor is outside you should be fine just as everyone else has said.
    Your lucky to have your husband so close while he is working... oh... you might have to turn up the TV a little bit too.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]SR Engraving
    Irving, TX
    Epilog 35W, Corel X3 AND "How about those COWBOYS"...this will be the year???

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