Wow... first off, thanks for all of the great information, I didn't even know if I'd get a single response... alot of "hot" ideas here

Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Whitesell View Post
Based on that little do-hickey, it would not be hard to make something similar and better.

What if you took a small subpanel, fed it from two 120V circuits (giving two hots, a neutral, and a ground), installed a 220V circuit breaker (giving you the trip-one-hot trip-both-hots requirement), and attached a suitable 220V recepticle. Thoughts? I think it would run you a lot less that the Quick 220 at $150.

This is more or less along the lines of what I was originally thinking... and I knew I was missing something... now that I know the safety concerns of backfeeding one tripped 110v circuit into the other, I realize that wont work.... unless.... I just thought about this... what if I install a capacitor on each of the hots on the 110v leads... shouldn't that stop the flow of power to the untripped circuits? Then there is no need for a relay or comlicated wiring... of course I have no idea how much a 110v 15amp capacitor would cost.