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Thread: Grizzly g0690/1 owners...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Grizzly g0690/1 owners...

    I bought the fence that is supplied with the Grizzly g0690 cabinet saw as an aftermarket add on for my used uni. I got the thing installed easily enough and am quite happy with it except for that fact that when I go to lock it down at any given postion, the front of the fence (end opposite the locking mech.) lifts up off the rail at least an inch if not two. Doesnt affect performance but it is a little annoying given that evrything else is perfect. Have any of you guys experienced this phenom and if so have you done anything about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Camas, Wa
    All Biesemeyer and clones are like that. The only time it is a problem is if you attach a feather board to hold down a board. If that is a case then put a quick clamp on the back end.

    Edit: I gues I did not read close enough. Lifting of an inch or 2 is extreme.
    Last edited by Cary Falk; 12-05-2011 at 3:13 AM.

  3. #3
    Something sounds bent to me. Mine doesn't do this. Definitly not on the order of inches. I will check when I get home.

  4. #4
    I checked mine. It doesn't rise up a bit. My guess is the weld that holds the fence to the clamping mechanism is not square. Sounds like it is greater then 90 degrees.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Hoxie, ARKANSAS
    I have a go691, my fence does not do this, it does not move at all when locked down.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    You just can't get any decent help these days.


  7. #7
    Hi Cary...I have a Biesemeyer and it does not lift up when locking it down.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Camas, Wa
    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnyy Johnson View Post
    Hi Cary...I have a Biesemeyer and it does not lift up when locking it down.
    I read that they do a little bit. The Delta T2 has a clip on the back of it to preveint it from lifting. I have a Shop Fox Classic and have not tested it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    West Lafayette, IN
    Mine doesn't doesn't lift up either. Could you post some pictures of your setup? I wonder if your front rail is mounted too low or something.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I didnt think it was normal for it to lift but this is my first direct experience with a beise style fence. The problem is only when actually locking it down. once its locked it stays firm. The manual i got of the grizz website states that the front rail bracket should be mounted 3/16 below the table top, which it is. That seems to be about right as the clearance from the bottom of the fence to the table is about an 1/8. The lock mechanism itself is not overly tight/tough to clamp down but it doesnt seem to take much pressure to get the end to lift. I will post some pics.
    Thanks guys.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Perham, MN
    My fence will lift off the table slightly (maybe 1/2") when locking down the clamp lever. If I were you I would adjust the clamp pressure down a little bit. It might be that you are having to push the lever too hard causing the end of the fence to rise up.

  12. #12
    Did the fence you purchased include the wooden template for setting the rail height? Maybe the front rail which holds the tube is a bit too low?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    I have a 691 with the fence you bought, and a Biese fence. The Griz fence does in fact lift at the outfeed end of the fence when locking down, unless you lock it slowly. The fence doesn't seem to move whichever locking speed is used. My Bies fence on the other hand has never lifted. I tried to make it lift after I got my 691, and couldn't. I think part of it is the Biese fence is heavier, thicker walled steel, and therefore takes more effort to lift the back end. I have played around with mounting a clip off the back end of the Griz fence to keep it down, but since it doesn't affect the accuracy of the fence, I abandoned the the project. Just wasn't worth it. Now, if when I start building stuff more consistently and it bugs me more, I'll buy a set of long rails and move the Biese fence back and forth between the two TSs as needed. Jim.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
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    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    No template but the rail is set at the specified height. Is there a way to adjust the pressure required to lock the fence down? The only way I can see is if you back off the alignment set screws but they are already backed off as far as they go while maintaining proper alignment. In the last pic it doesnt look like its up by much but it's about an inch.

    Steve's table saw 001.jpgSteve's table saw 002.jpgSteve's table saw 004.jpg

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hood Canal, Washington
    I have an older Shop Fox Classic fence which doesn't rise in the back. That won't stop me from making suggestions though! It seems like there are three possible solutions.

    First, if the fence is actually touching the front table edge when you lock it down, it could be levering itself in the air. If that's the case, you could try raising the front horizontal tube and see what happens.

    Second, if that doesn't work, you could try shimming the horizontal tube so that it tilts slightly forward. You would shim between the tube and the L bracket, maybe with blue tape.

    Third, you could call Grizzly service and ask about getting a new fence. As others have said, it's possible that the fence lockdown wasn't welded properly.

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