Quote Originally Posted by Steve Meliza View Post
No need for a jammer, make a policy that is reasonable and fair and then enforce it in a reasonable and fair manner. Don't like the rules? Don't work here!

If I was working for you I'd want to have my phone on me so that I would know if my wife had tried to call, then just like when I'm driving I handle the missed call when I'm able to. My wife knows to not leave a voice mail if the call is not important and to leave a message if she needs me to get back to her right away. If the call isn't from my wife it can wait till after work. I'd hate to work for a place that would boot me out for taking 2 seconds to see who the missed call was from so I know if I need to clock out or not.
As I said before, I am reasonable. The texting is the worst problem. We had one guy who held his phone under the work bench and woudl text during meetings.

Quote Originally Posted by Lee Schierer View Post
I've been to several companies where cell phones are not permitted on the shop floor. You must either turn them off or leave them in your locker. If you are expecting an emergency call then you could leave your phone with the receptionist and she would take a message and get it to you immediately.

Since you currently allow phones, you need to announce a new policy and start it say July 1 so that people have some notice. However, once you set the policy everyone including managers must follow the policy.
Emergency calls will be transferred to the employee immediately unless the caller states that is okay for the employee to call them back. I would be happy to hold someone's phone if they are expecting an emergency call. Our shop manager currently leaves his phone in his car. There will be instances when managers will need to be able to use a cell in the shop as they sometimes receive calls with questions directly from a customer and may have to be looking at a part in order to answer the questions.

I don't mean to age bash, but the problem is with my 20-25 year olds. They have always been connected at the hip and just don't see it as a problem that they text their friends all day while being paid to work. This, of course is not a blanket statement regarding all in this age group, just the ones who work for me.