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Thread: Project time vs. Shop Upgrade time

  1. #1

    Project time vs. Shop Upgrade time

    Seeing all the pictures of the various workshops people have posted here (and I am very jealous of a lot of you!) got me curious. I'm wondering how much time you all spend on actual woodworking projects versus time spent on the upgrading the shop. I know in my own little shop (12 x 22, but it feels a lot smaller than that), it seems like I'll spend half my time working on a project and the other half building a better clamp rack or building more storage cabinets or making jigs that I saw on NYW but haven't gotten around to using just yet. I know it's time better spent on woodworking projects--and there are plenty of them to work on--yet I just can't seem to help myself.

    So I'm at around 50-50 for project time versus shop upgrade time.

    Anyone else with this "problem?"

  2. #2
    Consider yourself lucky Pete. I would put mine at 70% shop and 30% project. Mind you my shop is very old and requires most of the attention.
    When in doubt, ask a Creeker.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Fallbrook, California
    I have so little "shop time" that most of it has to be spent on projects. I'm not one who builds a lot of things for the shop. If I need a cabinet or table for the shop, I buy one. Even with that philosophy, I don't get very many woodworking projects done. I have a rule that I don't work in the shop if I'm tired. After a day of teaching along with other things that have to get done, that leaves me very few afternoons and evenings in the shop. Since we're campaigning one of our basset hound Champions working on a Championship on another most of our weekends are spent at dog shows. Besides, right now I really don't have a shop. It's just half of a two car garage with some tools.

    After I retire in June I'm hoping to be able to spend more time on projects for the shop and if my wife and I are able to move after we're both retired which is our plan, I'm hoping that I'll have a lot of projects like cabinets, shelves, work tables and a workbench for the shop.
    Don Bullock
    Woebgon Bassets
    AKC Championss

    The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.
    -- Edward John Phelps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Darien, Ga
    It has been all shop related work for over a year now, but I do not go out to the shop everyday. I do have some projects backed up and the LOML keeps telling me she wants to see some finished projects rolling out of that fancy shop again..........

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Mt. Pleasant, MI
    I generally spend all my time on projects but everytime something comes up that needs updating or addressing I get it done. Currently that seems to be a lot or shop update, reconfigure, repair work.

    JC Custom WoodWorks

    For best results, try not to do anything stupid.

    "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala "Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith"

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by James Manning View Post
    It has been all shop related work for over a year now, but I do not go out to the shop everyday. I do have some projects backed up and the LOML keeps telling me she wants to see some finished projects rolling out of that fancy shop again..........
    Oh man... I get that all the time! If I had a nickel for every time my wife rolled her eyes when she found out what I was really working on instead of what I should have been working on, I'd be a millionaire!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Atlanta , Ga.
    In 2001 I took eight months of spare time to establish the shop as it now is. Lighting.. home-made cabinets for tools to mount on and be mobilized.. flooring.. painting.. clamp racks.. jigs.. upgrade assembly tables.. etc... etc..

    After that one time lay-off, I use the humid summer months (June.. July.. August) here in Georgia for any house improvement projects and usually build a work-bench that is sold. The other 9 months about 30-50 hours a week are spent in the shop building projects.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    I have taken it in spurts. I started my shop 4 years ago. 2 years ago the inmates in the Turning Forum decided I needed a lathe and sent me a lathe, tools and videos. For 18 months all I did was turn. I had over $600 worth of 8' T-8 4 bulb fluorescent fixtures and bulbs sitting in the corner of my 24'x30' shop gathering dust while I turned. The ceiling and walls weren't painted. I was turning by a pair of 1000 watt halogen construction lights on a stand. In September I ordered the tools for my shop..tore down the lathe and temporary stand and painted, wired outlets and switches, installed the lights. Now, I'm waiting for blades for the new b/s, I installed and used the new lathe. I moved my t/s and planer from the unheated shed to the heated shop. I just finished the 2nd coat of finish paint on the walls this evening and will start installing my DC this week. I can't wait until I can do some flatwork and spinny stuff too!

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  9. #9
    Rob Will Guest
    You have got to be kidding.
    I thought the shop WAS / IS the project.
    That's why everything is called a SHOP PROJECT !


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    I'm currently 80 shop, 20 project. 10 months ago it was the other way around. The completion of recent projects made me aware of some things that had to happen in the shop as I saw areas that if improved, would smooth the next effort. I assume this will swing back and forth until I become boring and just do the same stuff all the time ;-)
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Near Sandusky,Ohio.....Cedar Point ....Roller Coster Capitol Of The World
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Stack View Post
    I know it's time better spent on woodworking projects--and there are plenty of them to work on--yet I just can't seem to help myself.

    So I'm at around 50-50 for project time versus shop upgrade time.

    Anyone else with this "problem?"

    And I thought I was the only one with this problem.

    You're not alone. The way I look at, my shop is where I go to relax and have fun. Sometimes I get a lot done and sometimes I look around and see what I can improve.

    Right now I'm in the middle of a project for our kitchen that I wanted to get done before we get a new floor installed.

    Instead of finishing that I made an organizing station for my cordless drills and chargers,nail guns,squares and a few other things so they would be more handy and neat. Had a good time doing it. But that kitchen project won't be done in time they're coming to lay the floor on Tuesday..........oh well


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    I have developed profound combination of obsessive/compulsive and anal retentive behavior that keeps me very busy in the shop--rewiring, reconfiguring DC, relocating machines etc. The other day I was working away and glanced at my watch and it was 1:30 in the morning!! I had just installed a series of bins I got from a hardware that closed and I was sorting finishing nails!!!!! I don't even use finishing nails. The next day I started going thru all the drawers and finally started throwing stuff away. Of course I had to organize it alphabetically before I put it in the Dole banana box I had been saving for 5 years, then stack it in the loft so I can sort thru it again in 4 years before I throw it out. Man, I hope that new medication kicks in soon!!

  13. #13
    Rob Will Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by John Bush View Post
    I have developed profound combination of obsessive/compulsive and anal retentive behavior that keeps me very busy in the shop--rewiring, reconfiguring DC, relocating machines etc. The other day I was working away and glanced at my watch and it was 1:30 in the morning!! I had just installed a series of bins I got from a hardware that closed and I was sorting finishing nails!!!!! I don't even use finishing nails. The next day I started going thru all the drawers and finally started throwing stuff away. Of course I had to organize it alphabetically before I put it in the Dole banana box I had been saving for 5 years, then stack it in the loft so I can sort thru it again in 4 years before I throw it out. Man, I hope that new medication kicks in soon!!
    LOL JOHN, that's good stuff.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Vancouver, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by John Bush View Post
    I have developed profound combination of obsessive/compulsive and anal retentive behavior that keeps me very busy in the shop--rewiring, reconfiguring DC, relocating machines etc....Man, I hope that new medication kicks in soon!!
    John, thank you so much for your post. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone.


  15. #15
    90% project time for now. The 10% shop time is mainly machine and tool maintenance.

    It will stay that way until I can break ground for the new shop in a year or 2.
    Bill R., somewhere in Maine

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