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Thread: Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

    10 Feb 2014

    Good Morning Everyone,
    I hope and pray that all of you have been making it ok through all the various weather storms that has been going around. We finally thawed out enough for normal driving and travel. Been working on a couple of cutting boards that I have been commissioned to make. I need to finish them tonight so I can get them delivered tomorrow.
    I finally figured out what is wrong with my heater in my shop.....the fan motor is bad. I need to call my HVAC guy and see what that would cost me. I sure miss not being able to work in my shop since I have been able to get back out there and do some woodworking that is both fun and meaningful to me. Maybe I'll have good news next week of a fixed shop heater.!!

    Back to the day job today and here's to wishing you the best.

    That's it for what did YOU do this past weekend?
    Best of weeks to you all.
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    LOMLjr went to a friend's Friday (yet another snow or cold day--they all run together now) and they took the girls to basketball practice so LOML and I got a rare chance to go out to a nice (not Panera) dinner on Friday night before picking the girls up from practice. Saturday I got several hours in the shop to work on my donation for the school auction before heading out for a basketball game about an hour away. Drove home in pretty heavy snow. Sunday morning was another 2 hours on the tractor plowing. I'm in trouble if we get much more snow without a thaw--piles are too high to pile or plow. Then it was church, another basketball practice, dinner at my parents' and a girl scout planning meeting for LOMLjr. Thankfully the end of basketball season is fast approaching--2 more games this week, then the next week is the playoffs and we are mathematically guaranteed a buy to the semifinals. I did manage to get out to the shop and did the final sanding and first coat of finish. Snuck out this morning for the 2nd--hopefully I'll wrap it up in by tomorrow.

    Here's what I'm making for the auction. We're going to donate 4 bottles of wine and the 4 glasses to go with it to make it appealing to a wider audience. I can't take credit for the idea--found pictures online. Sapele and curly maple, finishing with Seal-A-Cell and Arm-R-Seal. If you make something like this, make sure your lumber is stable. As soon as I cut the glass slots in the top pictured n the unfinished picture, the piece warped badly. Luckily I had a different board on hand to make another top.
    wine rack 2.jpgwine rack.jpg

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Mandalay Shores, CA
    Blog Entries
    Productive weekend here. I built a new drawer and filler panel for the kitchen cabinetry. We switched out the wall ovens and refrigerator a couple of weeks ago. I got them both built but they are still unfinished. Watched a bit of the speedskating (my favorite winter olympic event).

    LOML and I finally pulled the trigger on Solar PV panels for the house. It will be "fun" getting the roofer and the solar people working together.

    "no trees were harmed in the creation of this message, however some electrons were temporarily inconvenienced."

    "I resent having to use my brain to do your thinking"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Loveland, CO
    Well, considering it's been so cold here (single digits to low teens), I haven't done a whole lot lately. Not to mention my lack of tools. (No table saw, bench, etc., just a circ. saw, miter saw, jig saw, mostly hand power tools.) But I finally got to a little garage organization and made a shelf to put stuff up and off of the floor to get it out of the way.


  5. #5
    In trying to stay ahead of the LOML's painting projects, I spent the weekend widening and fixing cracks in the plaster of the 1948 homestead. Getting pretty good at doing this. Maybe I missed my calling.....


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    I jointed and planed more ash for the living room floor.

    Stock feeder sure helps with the jointing.............Rod.
    Jointing 1.jpg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    San Antonio Texas
    finally got around to getting the DC drops to my lathe and drill press set up properly. it makes a big difference having it set up the right way instead of jury-rigged. should make cleanups a bit easier.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    League City, Texas
    Spent a few hours at the gym on Saturday being VERY thankful for an indoor heated pool... Planning on some track, weights, then pool tonight... Ugh.

    Blew in the expanding foam insulation into the wall cavity between the garage doors, blew out gobs of sawdust from the motor on my table saw and tested, saw happy again. Bolted everything back together on the saw, and reinstalled my dust collection ductwork, made most of my DC connections. Found one riser I don't particularly like (the blast gate is too low) I need to redo how that connects, but should be no big deal...

    I am under orders from SWMBO to get the miter saw dust hood completed and working... I am a few steps closer to getting that freezer in the shop.
    Trying to follow the example of the master...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Pacific Northwest
    Still recuperating from the flu over the weekend. Back to work today, thank goodness.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Pacific Northwest
    Quote Originally Posted by Rod Sheridan View Post
    I jointed and planed more ash for the living room floor.

    Stock feeder sure helps with the jointing.............Rod.
    Jointing 1.jpg
    Nice Rod, how is that stock feeder attach to your A3?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Toronto Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by Ralph Butts View Post
    Nice Rod, how is that stock feeder attach to your A3?
    It's not, it's attached to the B3 saw/shaper and simply swung outboard for use on the jointer.......Rod.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Pacific Northwest
    That's what I thought after taking a third look. Thanks.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Central Illinois
    I finished a pair of benches that I was commissioned to build for the Springfield Art Association's newly renovated art gallery:


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