I had a fixture in my prime machining area go kerfluie awhile back and needed to put in a replacement. I'm all about LED lighting these days and was pleasantly surprised to find that Costco was offering a two-fixture LED "shop light" package for $69. (The BORG seems to sell them for $50 PER fixture) So I ordered it to see how it would work out. One nice benefit to buying from Costco is that they pretty much take back anything you're not happy with for pretty much any reason and at any time. (with receipt, of course)

Well...I'm happy and will be ordering more of these things to brighten up my shop. The 4000K temperature and light output is exactly what I like and there's no flicker with instant on regardless of ambient temp. The next set will go over my bench and finishing area...I'll just keep the crusty old T12 fixtures on the perimeters where light is more of a convenience, rather than a necessity.

It's like daylight in this area now!

The product