Quote Originally Posted by Matthew N. Masail View Post
because I'm stupid.... seriously, I have a crazy fetish (not really the right word here...) to doing things by hand. I hate the fact that I can't grind by hand... I mean, I understand all the responses here but how hard can it be to grind down metal.... I'd prefer a stone simply because sandpaper prices add up.... and I don't have room currently for a huge piece of glass or granit
Hope I didn't come across as rude, Matthew. Really just curious, I suppose. I'm not one to tell anyone how they should do something. I like to hear different people's sharpening perspectives, I guess.

I love my dry grinder, but that's just me. One of these days I want to get a 1x42 belt grinder - had access to one of those a long while ago, and I loved it.