I purchased a LN workbench in Aug 2011 after Chris Schwarz wrote how impressed he was with it in his blog:
I received it in December 2011 after a long wait. One thing I noticed and that Chris noted in one of his comments was that the vise handles stuck up above the surface of the bench which at times gets in the way of different activities. I noticed that right away after using my bench for a while and gave LN a call. I spoke with Darren at the LN workbench shop. I dealt with Darren before when I ordered my bench...nice guy...anyway I told him about the problem and he told me they were aware of it and were developing a new low profile handle. They were keeping track of everyone who had purchased a bench and would send the new vise handle out once they were ready to go...
OK fast forward...its been over a year and no new handles from LN. So I called Darren the other day and he said oh sure will get them sent right out...gave him my name and hung up. This afternoon the phone rang and it was a customer rep from LN asking me what credit card they could use to send me out the new vise handles....I said what!! You are joking right? No...she was instructed to charge me for the vise handles...I told them no freaking way...I spent close to $3k for this bench (including freight) and you want to charge me $40 on a bad design?
I was pissed...LN has always treated me right and I expect better from them! She told me Darren was gone for the day but would check with him on Monday!
Sorry for the long rant but it just annoyed the heck out of me...must be the new year!!
