21 April 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
Been really busy taking brick off my house to begin the construction of the garage and apartment for my MIL. Batter boards are up for the apartment but I've got to get the garage area marked off and batter boards up for that. The garage area is the first section to get built as the apartment T's off the back side of it and the existing house. I'm sore, tired, and my hands have blisters on top of blisters. All the brick on the end of the house is now off, siding on the gable end is off and house wrap is up to protect the house from the pending storms this week in our area. Went to church on Sunday and played bass guitar with our worship band and part of the string section of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra. I really enjoyed playing with those musicians. They were most excellent in their skills.

Back to the daily grind for now and I'm hoping that everything will be a go for pouring the footings and slab for the garage next week. I hope.

That's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.