28 Apr 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
I come to you this morning with heaviness in my heart as the tornadoes that went through our area last night left many dead. A couple of friends of mine we directly hit and lost their home and all they had. My buddy lost his mom to the storm so they are dealing with a double blow in their lives and I truly hurt for them. Today, many start sorting through what is left and others try to find ways to help all those that were in the path of the storms. I watched the storms pass just south of my house by a few miles. We are ok but many are not. I ask for thoughts and prayers for all those affected by the severe storms last night.

We are continuing to make progress on getting things ready for construction of the garage and apartment for my MIL. I expect to start construction this week. I'm sore, tired, and feeling like it's more than I can do, but I take each day as best I can.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.