Am I just becoming a curmudgeon or have we entered a world of Swiss Army Knife workbenches with so many appliances built in, complex vises everywhere, different trim woods and so on that the benches have, at least to my eye, lost functionality. I know everyone has different needs because they have different styles of working but I've always figured simpler was better, less stuff to get in the way. A perfect example is the sliding deadman. I admit there is one on my current bench (I had to try it), on the new one it is gone because I seldom use the deadman yet I'm moving it around every time I work on the bench what a PITA. A bench jack will do the same job and stay out of the way until you need it. I will not go into some of the other stuff I've seen while looking at threads on workbench builds.

I've had my say, it's time to take my meds and crawl back out to the shop where there are four legs waiting to be trued and glued.