Did Lie-Nielsen quit shipping their planes in sealed blue plastic bags or did highland hardware sell me a return or a demonstrator as new?
I thought LN packed everything in the blue rust inhibitor bags. My wife bought me a 4 1/2 for Christmas that was just wrapped in newsprint and a paper rust sheet. This is not how I remember the block plane I bought be packed, but that was a number of years ago. I need to look at it more closely to see if the brownish tint in some places is rust or just the packing oil dis coloring. I really don't know why this is bugging me so much. Maybe since I watched the Cosman Woodcraft video where he set up a 4 1/2 where he cuts the plane out of the blue bag, or maybe since I have been hemming and hawing on this plane for years trying to justify the cost.
The other weird thing was that it was shipped in a food company box(outer box, inner was LN box)

John. Who wishes he knew why this is bugging him so much