This is my first time selling a house. I bought the lot in 1986 and built a house on it and have lived here ever since. We listed the house about a week ago.

From what I've seen so far, this is what I've learned

- Realtors take rejection poorly. When I called one to tell him we were going with another realtor, he acted very offended and almost demanded to know why he didn't get the listing. Another who didn't get the listing wrote a very negative opinion about the house on the company website.

- Realtors learn their product (the homes for sale) through the buyers. They don't attend the realtor open houses to learn about the homes prior to showing. The first time they see the house is when showing it to a buyer when they are as clueless about the home as the buyer.

- Realtors learn about the customers by showing them one house after another until a buyer shows interest in a house. They wait for the buyer to contact them about a house the buyer saw on the Internet and make arrangements to show it.

I know my experience is very limited but based on what I've seen so far in selling our house and looking for another to buy, those three things above pretty much sum it up.

Is this typical?