So I live in Northern CA. In Winter we usually use our forced air heater to heat the house. But we also burn our wood stove for comfort fires ( to get the living room toasty..) and for keeping the house from getting too cold on the coldest nights.. I probably only go thru a cord and a half of wood in one winter.

I keep my wood a few steps outside the garage in a small wood storage shed built special for firewood.. holds maybe 3/4 cord of wood.

I keep enough for about 3 or 4 nights of wood in the garage . my firewood is usually pre-sized ( from my supplier)for the stove sometimes i like to have half logs or logs come thru just a bit too big to fit in my smaller sized stove. this happens about 10% of the time.. do enough that i'd like to have the right tool for this but not enough to tension up my nd move my bandsaw into position or fire up a chainsaw..

In those cases, I like to cross cut those pieces in half by hand. Most are about 6 inches or so in diameter. Seeing as I usually save my handsaws for finer work and not wanting to trash sharp blades on my power tools,with the grit and dirt found on firewood.. what hand saw style would work best?

the logs usually get chucked into my face vise and cut in half there inside the garage/woodshop. half the time I'm in pajamas or a robe and don't want to fire up a chainsaw. So been trying to use some bowsaws I have around but they seem to bind up fairly often. I have A 5pt rip cut disston d7 (one of my lesser qaulity hand saws) from the 50's I sometimes use but am trying to find the BEST tool for the job..

So Any help would be appreciated.

options are

Metal Bowsaw. I have a 30 Almost 40 incher but the blade is old and the thin blade seems to wander and bind real bad making me really hate it.. Doesn't seem that EVEN a new blade will make his thing cut sweet.

Vintage buck saw. Blades seem a bit wider.. i'd have to find one and learn to sharpen but already fettled planes and restoring handsaws doesn't scare me off of this option as long as it provides the best cutting..

Make a frame saw fitted with good off the shelf or custom blades.. Something wide enough to not wander like the bowsaw?

get a beater hand saw file big crosscut teeth on it ?

vintage one man crosscut ?

modern japanese or euro pruning type saw?

So Any one with experience that would like to chime in I'd appreciate it...

