My wife and I adopted Wilson as a puppy in the summer of 2009. He immediately bonded with me, following me everywhere, and always sharply aware of my every move. He was with me through the hardest part of my life, when my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in April of 2013, and passed away on August 13th of that same summer. Wilson knew I was hurting, and he stayed close to me every day since. He was a high energy dog, and loved to run around me as I walked through the trails on my 40 acres. He went everywhere with me, except for work. About two months ago he started limping on his left rear leg. I figured he must have torn an ACL or something, so brought him to the vet. The X-rays showed moderate bone deterioration in his hip. I was devastated. We treated him for pain, and tried our best to keep him as comfortable as possible for his remaining days. Last weekend things worsened to the point where he couldn’t find a comfortable position to lie down. It was obvious that it was time. I miss you buddy, you were the best dog in the whole world!

Wilson 5/12/09-12/18/17
