Seems like the last decent option for a small bevel gauge at Blue Spruce is no longer available. Previously Vesper was the gold standard but he's no longer accepting orders.

I use the Shinwa with the bottom locking screw and it's pretty good. I also ordered the folding Shinwa with the knurled brass knob at the blade and immediately sent it back - it wouldn't hold the blade securely at all so made the tool worthless. I know Pec and Starrett have t-bevel gauges, but again, they're on the larger size and have the issue of using a slot to connect them vs a simple hole.

Crucible has a new bevel gauge out, but it's also on the larger size and I wouldn't want to have to always use a screwdriver to have to set it in any event.

So was curious if there was any hope for a decent, small bevel gauge - ideally with a bottom locking screw?

Vintage gauges are all typically on the larger size (8-10"). I did see one vintage gauge that was ideal - - but out of stock and would be nice if it wasn't more than a new LN bronze no. 4??

Honestly it doesn't seem like anyone is making any reasonable bevel gauge these days except the aforementioned Shinwa. Strange - but would love to be proven wrong. Happy to hear any thoughts. I occasionally make my own tools, but I'm not particularly gifted at it.