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Thread: Finish suggestions

  1. #16
    I think that's prime for a Chris Pytlik style dye job.

    Who was the original turner?


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wittmann, AZ
    Decisions, decisions. He did actually say "paint it or whatever", and now that Jason has mentioned Chris Pytlik, it does seem like it was prepped just for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Sichmeller View Post
    I attached a picture of a River Birch vessel I turned. I didn't bleach mine, but died the natural wood purple and sanded back and applied a lacquer finish.
    Attachment 220678
    Gary, do you have a brother named Vince? If so, this was from you're brother.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Clark2 View Post
    I think that's prime. for a Chris Pytlik style dye job.

    Who was the original turner?

    It was from Vince Sichmeller.
    "If it is wood, I will turn it."
    vor-tex: any activity, situation, or way of life regarded as irresistibly engulfing.

  3. #18
    Another vote for white..I think renaissance wax might be clear and stay clear, then rub it back to satin/matte.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Rural Blair, Nebraska
    Yeah Kathy, that's my brother. The picture I posted was from the same wood.
    In discussions I had with him about that piece, he mentioned the pytlik dye process as a potential for that piece and thought you would be the one that would be able to carry it off. But, I do agree with the others that it is a blank canvass to do with as you please.

    Also, I won't tell him this, but he's a much better turner than I am. He does give me a lot of pointers. The irony of it all is that I was the one who got him interested in turning.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pensacola, Fl.
    Wouldn't touch it.

  6. #21
    I have spent a lot of hours on several pieces trying to get them that white. Another vote for leave it as is...
    David DeCristoforo

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Abbotsford B.C.
    This one was turned from Ash, with no figure to speak of and the wood was a real off color so I bleached it till it was as white as the piece that you show.
    Did a bit of texturing around the rim, dyed the textured area black and for the body of the form I applied a dark red dye ( did NOT sand back) then once the red had had lots of time to set I applied a yellow dye overtop of the red . Then wipe on poly over all of that.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Chesterfield, VA
    Well, you certainly have all the options available. I like it white just because how often do you see that? We're always wanting to do something to our wood in enhance it when sometimes it just stands out above all the rest on its own, as this piece. If anything, and it's a small if for me, maybe pyro a tree, not too detailed, just kind of an outline of the trunk and branches, no leaves cause the white gives it that winter look. I dunno now, maybe that's a big if now that I think about it.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    sLower Delaware
    Looks great as is though my first thought was a necklace or pyro'd collar of some type could be stunning. Not something I could come close to doing though!

  10. #25
    While I love a pure white form, the turner did say to decorate it. I would think that was enough of a signal to "go for it". Without a strong grain or figure, I am not feeling the "dye the whole thing" deal. I kinda like the idea of splattering on very bold and vivid colors. With the stark white background, a spattering of several base colors, would look very cool.
    No, it's not thin enough yet.

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