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Thread: VerySuperCoolTools Moxon Vise?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Columbus, Ohio

    VerySuperCoolTools Moxon Vise?

    I'm getting ready to build myself a moxon vise. I had just about convinced myself to buy the hardware from Benchcrafted, but then I saw the one from Looks like it has more features then the one from benchcrafted but it also cost more. I was wondering if anyone had ever used one, owned one, or knew anyone that had. Basically I'm building something for a friend of mine and he's buying me the tool for it, so I can pick either moxon vise hard ware I want.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Chevy Chase, Maryland
    I think I'd just ask for the $600 and build myself a moxon vise for $50 in hard maple.
    ~ Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.

  3. #3
    If your friend has a router table, the option is there also to build a moxon vise that has a cutout to double as a router fence.

    I say that only because I had built a heavy router table fixed fence a long time ago (a tall one), and it only took the purchase of a thread tap box and a $6.50 cent maple dowel to make a moxon vise. (and the thread tap boxes work well if you sharpen the irons - really well with sharp irons, I hear very poorly if you don't).

    I can't imagine spending a lot of money on one (and I can imagine spending a lot of money on some things, so it's not just that I'm cheap). It's a tool that unless you have a dedicated bench, you often just decide that there's no reason to set it up because it will just get in the way of planing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Perth, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Reilly View Post
    I'm getting ready to build myself a moxon vise. I had just about convinced myself to buy the hardware from Benchcrafted, but then I saw the one from Looks like it has more features then the one from benchcrafted but it also cost more. I was wondering if anyone had ever used one, owned one, or knew anyone that had. Basically I'm building something for a friend of mine and he's buying me the tool for it, so I can pick either moxon vise hard ware I want.
    Sean, welcome to SMC.

    Is the SCT moxon hardware really $600? If so, what is so expensive? And what features does it have that you prize in a Moxon?

    Have you looked at the Tools for Working Wood moxon? That is a better design with better features.

    Personally, I designed and built my own, and still prefer my simple design over all I have seen - that is, I have not been tempted to change it.

    Regards from Perth


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    San Bernardino
    The kit is $200.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Columbus, Ohio
    The hardware for the VSCT moxon vise is $195, if you have them make it that's when it will run you around $600. As for features that it has that I don't see on other moxon's out there is the ability to extend the chop our just over 10". This would allow you to clamp drawers or small boxes in the vise. but when you want to use it for smaller peaces like 1/2" stock, you can slide the acme rod out the back so you don't have 12 inches of acme rod sticking out the front to run into. the down side is that it looks really big and heavy, the benchcrafted looks smaller and there for easier to move around. it will not be set up all the time. So for those that have Moxon vises, if you had the capacity to clamp a drawer in your vise for finish planing and such, do you think you would use or even like to have that feature? Is it worth having my friend spend the extra $50

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    DuBois, PA
    I built my own using Jorgensen veneer press screws, about $15.00 and some white oak laying around just begging for a project. Mine is patterned after the Tools for Working Wood design, except for the different type of screws.
    If the thunder don't get you, the lightning will.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Reilly View Post
    The hardware for the VSCT moxon vise is $195, if you have them make it that's when it will run you around $600. As for features that it has that I don't see on other moxon's out there is the ability to extend the chop our just over 10". This would allow you to clamp drawers or small boxes in the vise. but when you want to use it for smaller peaces like 1/2" stock, you can slide the acme rod out the back so you don't have 12 inches of acme rod sticking out the front to run into. the down side is that it looks really big and heavy, the benchcrafted looks smaller and there for easier to move around. it will not be set up all the time. So for those that have Moxon vises, if you had the capacity to clamp a drawer in your vise for finish planing and such, do you think you would use or even like to have that feature? Is it worth having my friend spend the extra $50
    Personally, I wouldn't consider either. You can literally clamp two boards to the top of your bench and use them to hold a drawer without issues. It's not practical (what are you going to do to plane the pins on the long side of a drawer 20 inches deep?)

    Save the moxon vise for narrow items and make it simple. if it went 0-3 inches, it would be fine, and the closer it is to free for you, the better. There will be plenty of things you can't make (bandsaws, power planers, etc) to spend money on.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Coastal Massachusetts
    The Philadelphia furniture workshop guys had a fully built version for around $200, cheaper than my cost for materials.
    Last edited by Jim Matthews; 11-07-2014 at 7:35 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Victoria, BC
    I built a very functional Moxon vice using a couple veneer press screws and a couple pieces of 8/4 stock. Works great, very affordable (I think the two screws cost about $40.00 all told) It is no where near as pretty as all the Moxons people are making reference to. I seriously wish I had the money and talent to build such beautiful vices. But it works great, despite its humble appearance.

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