The 4” hose that comes with the Supercell is a bear to handle as Derek is alluding to. If I had friends in to CrossFit I’d probably hide it from them for fear they would want to take it to use in place of heavy ropes in their workouts. It easily weighs 1lb/ft and is 25ft long. It’s not easily tamed, that’s why my solution for now was to just throw it over the rafters. I’ll probably hook some bungees to mine to make it easy to take down and put back up. Hard duct is going to be my answer once I get my shop laid out.

When I was shopping and pricing quick connect duct at blast gate co, I saw they have several grades of flex hose. Perhaps a decent option that wouldn’t break the banks could be to order several 5ft or so lengths of different grades from them. Long enough to hook up to your supercell and just plug the other end. That’s a solid test to see if they can handle the suction. Whichever is the lightest and most flexible that passes the test you know you can order as much as you need.