The ideal gas law has not been disproven, or are you referring to the Bill Nye the Science guy video? There were two needles used, yeah that's scientific, and went with the results the referee best remembered using. The other set of results are within the ideal gas law. I have no idea if that's what happened, but being overlooked isn't the same as being disproven. You can find as many "scientific" reports proving it as disproving it. Even Harvard and MIt students did one but that's beyond me. But I do know that when it gets cold here my tire pressure light goes on and I have to add air. Not scientific for sure but as a regular guy that makes sense to me. It never happens in the summer. That's my simpleton view of it.

I do agree that Brady is such a competitor that he does anything he can to get an edge. I'm just not sure how a pound of pressure, in home games only, does anything. That was 100% disproven in the second half of the Colts game and the Super Bowl.

At the end of the day the NFL wins and we were duped. Not sure by which side but duped none the less. That's what makes sports fun to watch, you need somebody to root for, or against. It wouldn't be much fun if you didn't care who won, not for me anyhow.

I like the the comparison that Brady will get an asterisk for this just like all the players mentioned that were caught repeatedly using steroids. When the NFL first made that leap I thought it was a stupid argument, as did the judge. But that is what makes the world interesting, different ways to think about the exact same thing.

It's OK to have success and be good at something, just don't be too good. I don't think anyone would care if RG3 had a ball boy take a pound of pressure out of the ball, gotta feel bad for him at this point.