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Thread: Thoughts on the Patriots .......

  1. #46
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    I have no way to verify this, but was told that the Pat's only fumbled 70% of the average of the other teams. If true, are the Pat's that much better at holding on to the football. or......?

  2. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich Enders View Post
    I have no way to verify this, but was told that the Pat's only fumbled 70% of the average of the other teams. If true, are the Pat's that much better at holding on to the football. or......?
    Statistics are sometimes in the eye of the author or viewer. Lots of Internet "facts" flying around. Besides the fact that coaches make the players carry around a ball at all times and everyone is free try to take it away... Here's a good (albeit long statistics loaded) read...
    Glenn Clabo

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bert Kemp View Post
    Is Brady a Great Quarterback....................................... ........................ Absolutely
    is there any concrete proof he knew about the balls..................................No
    Did it have any impact on the out come of the game..................................None What so ever
    Does the punishment fit the crime if there was a crime................................Absolutely NOT!!!! even if he did know.

    The Patriot's and Brady turned over every thing the NFL asked for including his cell phone, and all text messages included. They never asked for his personal phone and told him it wasn't part of the investigation. So why the big deal now.
    Is this blown way out of proportion OH YEA!!!!
    By that logic, spitballs should be legal in baseball. Is he a great quarterback, yes. Did he try to gain an advantage by breaking or bending the rules, probably. Does this affect trust in the "brand of Football"? - absolutely. Just like steroids in Baseball. IMO the penalty does fit the crime. We'll agree to disagree.

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  4. #49
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    Thanks for the read Glenn. "89.4% of all statistics are generated on the spot" ... or something along those lines, according to one of our Sawmill Creek members.

  5. #50
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    Moderators, please lock this thread.

  6. #51
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    The whole thing didn't bother me much, and I was of the opinion that the NFL was way off base because the fined Brady without having any evidence. How can you find a person guilty when there is no evidence? That struck me as "odd".

    Now we know that Brady destroyed the evidence! That is never a good move when you are trying to maintain your innocence. If it goes to trial, the Court is not going to look favorably on that.

    Overall, how can so much time and money have been spent on something which had NO impact on the outcome of a sporting game? (But from what I read, is really messing up the Sports Betting Books because a bet involving New England is a very different proposition with/without Brady).

  7. #52
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    Tom Brady's suspension is nullified by Judge Berman:



  8. #53
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  9. #54
    Go Pats!

    Haters gonna hate lol...

  10. #55
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    So...Brady's suspension has been lifted. Are the Patriots going to rehire the two scapegoats that they fired? Brady knew but not evidence and NFL did not do proper notifications. So the Patriots got away with it but will always be an asterisk when his legacy is discussed.

    He is a great player and did not need to this..

  11. #56
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    Somebody who knows can help me through this, but don't both teams' quarterbacks use the same balls?

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larry Frank View Post
    So...Brady's suspension has been lifted. Are the Patriots going to rehire the two scapegoats that they fired? Brady knew but not evidence and NFL did not do proper notifications. So the Patriots got away with it but will always be an asterisk when his legacy is discussed.

    He is a great player and did not need to this..
    Larry, I'm one of those who loves football and am a Patriots. But at the same time I do understand football "is not real life" so take this for what it's worth, come on it's just sports. If you followed it carefully I'm not sure you would say there is an asterisk behind his legacy. In his 16th year he has overcome any odds of success, has never even been reprimanded for anything, and has been "good" for sports in general. If the tiny variations in ball pressure mattered at all don't you think better care and control would have been imposed? It's a billion dollar business, they are not on the honor system here. I read the report handed down today because I don't trust being told what to think. Proper notifications is a tiny tiny part of it. People look at Brady as the wealthy guy who won on a technicality. We forget how powerful the NFL is, they OWN a day of the week for almost half the year! What other company can say that?

    It started as a completely inaccurate report released by the employer to test the waters and went from there. At this point who knows what if anything happened? It's laughable that even if this happened as the NFL said it's "cheating"? If small changes in pressure is an advantage, at the levels caused by nature, they better start installing vacuums on the sidelines with armed guards to make sure nobody "cheats."

    I know the Patriots win, and win a lot. Anyone who's been around for a while knows this has not always been the case. It is a recent phenomenon. Google all the violations punished this past year, a deflated ball won't even make the top 5.

    There was a time when people rooted for the underdog, Cinderella story, going up against a corporate powerhouse........

    Would you have given up your cell phone to your employer even when advised by your attorney, and your Union not to? If you don't have anything to hide why not? Because you were advised not to by the people paid to advise you, and the employer has a terrible history of leaks. Look what happened with the emails, leaked right away.

    The two Patriots employees were not "scapegoats." They were told to suspend them by the NFL and they complied. The NFL now has to approve them returning to work. So wether they do or don't has nothing to do with the Patriots. If they were going to be scapegoats wouldn't the blame been on them solely? It would have been easy for the Patriots to say they did it on their own to make it "easier" on Brady. I'm sure both would have publicly came out and say they did it to protect the organization and Brady. It's not like it's a crime. One guy is a part time employee who is a lifelong "fan", he would have been glad to I'm sure.

    This hasnt changed anything for anybody. If you believe he's been railroaded you still do. If you think he's guilty you can put your asterisks next to his name, but they will be hard to see next to the 4 Lomardi Trophys.

    Being from Indiana I don't blame you, I would still be mad at their last meeting with the Colts.
    Last edited by Jebediah Eckert; 09-03-2015 at 8:18 PM.

  13. #58
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    No, each team uses only the balls they supply

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  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Pixley View Post
    No, each team uses only the balls they supply
    For non football fans I know that seems ridiculous............ah, I think I have to agree.

  15. #60
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    Sorry, It has been disproven that the temperatures could have caused that discrepancy in pressures.

    The Patriots have a pattern of cheating and bending the rules. The are not the underdogs who can be rooted for here. Neither Can the NFL be rooted for. The actions of both diminish the game. Yes there will be an asterisk. Just like there will be an asterisk on Bonds, Rodriguez, Giambi, Suarez, Zidane, etc… Great players all, but lacking in character and judgement.

    Do I believe that Brady is honest and upstanding? No. I think that he is such a competitor that if he thinks he can get an edge he will. Do I think he is a great quarterback? Yes. But the ends do not justify the means.

    "no trees were harmed in the creation of this message, however some electrons were temporarily inconvenienced."

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